SOS Balm - Our Story

SOS Balm - Our Story

Our Story

It’s hard enough as a parent to know what to do for the best. There’s constant anxiety of if you are doing the right thing for your child, what products to use, whether to let them self soothe or not, what to feed, how to sleep.

When you add in the uncertainty and complex emotions of having a child with allergies or eczema, the pressure can be overwhelming. With conflicting advice, It's hard to know where to turn.  

We look to our basic products like nappy rash cream, baby oil and moisturiser, lovingly gathered before baby’s arrival, for reassurance. What we can then be faced with is a list of undesirable ingredients.

SOS Balm was developed as a solution to those skin problems. A mother, facing the exact same scenario hundreds of parents face, needed a solution for her daughter with eczema and allergies. Disappointed after trying hundreds of products, natural or otherwise, she took things into her own hands.

She didn't just want something natural and substandard, she wanted something that really worked. Intent on creating a natural product to out do her old favourites, what she created was something she could be certain wasn’t going to aggravate her daughters eczema and allergies, and actually do the job it was created for.

The result was SOS Balm. It soothed nappy rash, calmed dribble rash and moisturised her daughters delicate skin. Faced with her own allergies and skin problems, she began to use it too for eczema and psoriasis flares, astonished at how it calmed and soothed skin. They went on to use SOS Balm on every scrape, cut, bite, sting and burn. SOS Balm delivered every time. 

 SOS Balm created certainty in uncertain times. With one less thing to worry about, knowing she always had something on hand to soothe her daughters skin, created ease. Natural ingredients that work, in the convenience of a balm, because sometimes knowing at least one product has your back, can be all it takes.

About the founder of SOS Balm

The mother mentioned above was me, and the girl in the picture is my daughter. I realised the hard way that our bodies aren't designed to cope with the sheer volume of chemicals they are subjected to, a large majority of them hidden unknowingly in our products that we apply every day. Mine and my daughters body just showed that to us in an obvious way, creating allergic reactions to unwanted chemicals both in skincare and in food.

Having suffered with eczema and psoriasis the majority of my life and developing chemical sensitivities post pregnancy, I'd put up with symptoms and next to no solutions. When my daughter was born, and was diagnosed early on with eczema and food allergies, I didn't want the same discomfort for her that I'd tolerated. We tackled what she ate that caused reactions, but I quickly realised what was coming into contact with her skin was an issue too.

I stripped every product we used back and replaced with gentle, 'natural as possible' alternatives. I even made my own washing powder at one point. Slowly I realised which products were causing an issue and the creams and nappy balms, soaps and baby oils were some of them. I tried everything from pure olive oil on skin to plain water in baths, only to end up in an oily sticky mess or feeling like we were missing out. I tried countless 'clean' products and most of them were useless at best. 

SOS Balm began as a solution to a problem, but meant so much more to me. I was annoyed that I had to go to the lengths of creating my own product, at a time when I was overwhelmed, stressed, sleep deprived and full of anxiety. Mixing some grated soap and bicarbonate of soda to create washing powder was one thing, but learning how to formulate a skincare product took things to a whole new level! But the results were worth it and now I enjoy hearing from every person who tells me how SOS Balm has cleared their child's eczema or tamed uncomfortable skin symptoms.


I can't claim that SOS Balm will solve your skin issues,  however I can tell you that it is an amazing multitasking balm, whether you use it for nappy rash or eczema flares, what it isn't going to do is add a tonne of artificial ingredients to the problem. There is no one size fits all, but this comes pretty close.

SOS Balm is a creation I'm proud of. I hope SOS Balm can be for you the knight in a shiny little pot that it was for me! 

Get your pot of SOS Balm here!



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